Tai-Yu Wang

Wordpress Website Reflection

My website

Websites I used

How did these websites help me?

I used the first website to help me with my products list, and looked at the types of baked goods they offered. And used some of the breads and other baked goods in my website. I used the second website to help me with the third webpage that we had to create, which was the Why Us page. I used the third website to help me with the About Us page. I used a similar layout that they used. I think that all three of these websites helped me in someway, and that I could not create a good website without them as inspiration.

What are my experiences working with Wordpress

My first impression of using Wordpress was that it was very overwhelming seeing all of the different buttons and text boxes. But as I started making the website it became easier and easier. I mostly used the paragraph tool because of how easy it was to use. My favorite feature of Wordpress was the templates and how you could just type in the text boxes in gave you and replace the pictures. What I found most challenging was that the amount of tools that wordpress shows you is very overwhelming. I still do not know how to use all of the tools but I have a general idea on how to use wordpress as a whole.